Face-to-Face Online Coaching

Assisting children achieve tiny, rapid achievements that develop confidence and effort. As students can achieve their initial goals, we assist them to reflect on what they did to succeed so they can tackle the next challenge with confidence and independence and we gradually reduce coaching help.

Face-to-Face Coaching

What is Coaching

We assist children to achieve tiny, rapid achievements that develop confidence and effort. As students can achieve their initial goals, we assist them to reflect on what they did to succeed so they can tackle the next challenge with confidence and independence. With repetition, they own the tools and methods we teach them. To develop independence, we gradually reduce coaching help. Typically, customers work with our coaches for 8-18 months so these tools and tactics become second nature.
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Session Routine

While each session is unique to the needs of our students, the structure remains the same.

  • Checking In
  • Reviewing work from the past week and current
  • Finding that the study cycle is functional
  • Planning the session based on our tested strategies
  • Working on Skills
  • Weekly Commitments
  • Follow Up

Parent Partnership

We at Homework in a Cafe interact with the parents about their child’s progress. We provide parents with access to the parent portal so they can see session notes.

Coaching vs Tutoring

Coaches teach effective, independent skills. We use current obstacles – homework, a test, a presentation, handing in project hours, managing work and social life – to teach how to face the next challenge. We use a progressive release method, starting with a lot of support and subsequently focusing on the client acquiring skills and techniques to accomplish the work on their own. Success boosts confidence, effort, and independence. In addition to school/work-specific skills, this type of coaching builds time management, organization, sustained attention, and self-awareness.