Individualized Tutoring

Students in this program receive tutoring online or in-person.


Work to be Completed

Students and supervisors work collaboratively to identify current, future, and missing work as outlined in the school portal. It will also include a look at the grades and set reasonable expectations..

Time Estimation and Prioritization

After reviewing each assignment, students estimate how long it will take and, create a plan that is most efficient for completion. Work is then prioritized using our methodology.

Tutoring & Strategies

Once the plan for today is complete, the student gets started on assignments. We help them identify potential barriers and strategies for starting as well as provide subject-matter support across all major subjects.


Throughout the session, coaches work with students to identify strategies to push through as well as barriers. This improves student self-awareness to increase efficiency going forward.

Session Reports

After each session you will receive a session report via email.

  • Your students plan determined by their tutor.
  • Comments and reflections regarding their challenges.
  • Strategies to implement and use to face those challenges.
  • Homework that needs to be completed.

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Personalized Support

Our coaches and supervisors are trained and equipped with tools and special software designed to help students learn and practice Executive Functions and Study Skills.

View Study Skills