As a parent, you may notice that your child is struggling to retain information by simply re-reading the same passages. If this is the case, it may be time to consider a new studying strategy. There are many techniques you can encourage your child to experiment with to find what works best for them. Don’t hesitate to suggest trying something new – it might just be the key to unlocking their full potential!
1. Gum Chewing
Sitting still for too long can cause a person to lose focus. Incorporating small movements such as chewing gum or shaking a foot can help keep their body active and their mind alert, leading to increased productivity. Trying these simple habits may help some people to stay on top of their game.
2. Taking learning on the go by listening to your notes while you walk
To achieve memorization mastery, unleash the power of the voice. Recording notes into a voice recorder and listen to them while wearing headphones. It takes practice to get to the next level by recording questions and answers, and then testing knowledge. Skills can be improved through practice until speaking confidently along with recordings. I’ts always good to step outside and enjoy the sunshine while learning!
3. Make it physical
When someone has a long list of things to remember, it can become overwhelming to try to keep track of everything in their head. A helpful technique is to transform each item on the list into a unique physical action. As the student recites the list, they can perform the corresponding actions. This technique can help the brain memorize the sequence of actions and trigger the recall of the words they are trying to learn.
4. Stand up, sit down
Sit down, read something, then stand up and recite it. Do it a few times and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll be able to memorize things. Have fun with it!
5. Create a “day of” cheat sheet
When preparing for an exam, a friendly tip would be to create a “day of” cheat sheet to remember important information. It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean they’re cheating! They can simply pick a few key items that they tend to forget, like formulas or theories that could make or break their grade. They can practice writing them down quickly and recite them to themselves until the test starts. Once they begin, they can write down the items as fast as possible. This way, they’ll have a handy cheat sheet, but they’ll also be playing fair since they didn’t write down the information until the test had started.
6. Use the Feynman Technique
The Feynman Technique is a simple yet effective approach to learning complex subjects. To use this technique, one should begin by writing down a concept in plain English. Next, they should imagine that they are explaining the concept to a five-year-old child. If they find it difficult to explain the concept in a way that a child can understand, it indicates that they don’t understand the concept well enough themselves. This technique helps simplify complex topics and improves one’s understanding of them.
7. Multi-coloured Post-it notes
When working on remembering something, a helpful suggestion is to write it down on a post-it note and place it in a visible location. It’s important to find a balance between placing all the notes in one spot and scattering them throughout the room. Each time one of these notes is encountered, repeating the information three times can help solidify the memory. Over time, the color and location of each note will become more memorable, making it easier to recall the information.
Remember, everyone learns differently. Experiment with different study techniques to find what works for you child.
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