Many kids experience stress when taking tests, especially those who have anxiety, ADHD, or learning disabilities and may lack confidence in school. Worrying about their performance can make it difficult for them to focus during the exam. However, there are various strategies to manage anxiety and reduce stress. 

To begin with, preparing for the test is key. Students can use study techniques that will help them feel more confident. Reviewing the test format, taking practice tests, and guessing the questions that might appear on the exam can all help calm nerves. Additionally, looking for big themes in the material is an active way of studying that can aid in the retention and recall of important information.

Here are a few tips that might help before and during a test:


  • Be familiar with the format of the test. It’s important for students to know the format of the test they will be taking. This will help them feel more prepared and less shocked when they receive the test.
  • Rearrange study material. Students should also try to reorganize the material they’re studying by identifying the main ideas, outlining the big events and issues, and thinking about the themes that unite them. This active style of studying will give them a richer understanding of the material.
  • Take some time to consider potential questions. Predicting and answering possible questions ahead of time can help students feel more confident and gain more mastery over the material. However, it’s important to think flexibly because the test may require students to solve problems in ways that were not taught in class. For instance, if there will be some essay questions, students can predict the topics and practice writing their answers ahead of time. If there will be word problems, they can think about how the concepts they learned in class might be turned into a word problem. Looking at the word problems that already came up in homework assignments can also be helpful.


Even after all of your preparation, it’s crucial to be armed with effective strategies for conquering any anxiety that may arise during the test. Remind your child that he/she is fully capable of overcoming any challenges that come their way.

  • It’s important for kids to have a plan when taking tests. Your child could try these test-taking strategies to help them feel more confident.
  1. Avoid spending too much time on any one question.
  2. If it’s a multiple choice test, read each answer and eliminate the ones that they know aren’t correct to narrow down the choices.
  3. Choose an answer and stick with it, as second-guessing can waste time and lead to incorrect answers.
  • When feeling anxious or panicked, it can be helpful to look for ways to change the focus. For example, if you come across a question during a test that really throws you off, you might try answering the last question first. Breaking up the routine can be helpful for getting things done.
  • During exams, children can utilize calming techniques like worry stones, stress balls, deep breathing and mindfulness exercises to reduce anxiety.
  • Accepting the fact that sometimes we don’t know something can be a great way to manage anxiety. If we feel like we didn’t get a chance to show our knowledge during a test, we can always speak to our teacher about it later. It’s important to remember that sometimes, even if we’ve prepared well, the test may seem unfair or challenging. In those moments, it’s best to let go of the anxiety and focus on what we do know.
  • Some kids who get really nervous during tests might be able to get special help. This could mean taking short breaks to calm down, getting extra time to finish the test, or even taking a different kind of test altogether.


Remember, you are not alone in this. If you know a child who suffers from text anxiety, let us help. We offer personalized tutoring services designed to build confidence and overcome writing obstacles. Together, we can unlock their full potential and empower them to become confident and clear communicators. Contact us now.

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