
Planning for Success: Helping ADHD Teens Conquer School with Planners

For parents and teachers of ADHD kids, the battle against chaos is a constant one. And when it comes to school, organization and time management can feel like insurmountable mountains. Fear not!Read More…


Winter Break Blues: Why Students Struggle and How to Cope

As the school year comes to an end, it’s important to remind students to take care of themselves during the break. Encourage them to remain active, socialize with other people, and mostRead More…


From Test Anxiety to Test Triumph: A Practical Guide to Calming Nerves and Crushing on Exams

Many kids experience stress when taking tests, especially those who have anxiety, ADHD, or learning disabilities and may lack confidence in school. Worrying about their performance can make it difficult for themRead More…


ADHD and Finals: A Match Made in…Somewhere Interesting

Exam time for ADHD kids? Buckle up. Studying can be a blur of butterflies and textbooks, hours spent fueling with coffee yet grades feeling like a distant planet.  Frustration? Check. Squirrel moments?Read More…


Navigating ADHD parenthood: Tips for providing enough support and guidance

Children with ADHD require a balanced approach of support, guidance, and resources. Too much assistance can breed feelings of dependence and resentment, while too little support can lead to frustration and failure.Read More…


Could My Teen Have Anxiety? Signs to Watch For

Teen anxiety is on the rise, but many parents are unsure how to tell if their child is struggling. Anxiety can manifest in many different ways, from physical symptoms like headaches andRead More…


The Impact of Stress on Teens: What Parents Need to Know

Stress is a normal part of life, and it can affect people of all ages, including teenagers. While some stress can be motivating and beneficial, too much stress can have a negativeRead More…


HIAC Student Voice – Hensley

In this blog post, we share the answers to an interview we did with one of our students at Homework in a Cafe. Hensley, a 9th grade student, is receiving tutoring forRead More…


How SEL Can Help Your Child Thrive in a Complex World

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the skills kids need to manage their emotions, make good decisions, and build positive relationships. These skills are important for success in school, eventuallyRead More…


How to Support Your Child Who Is Struggling in School

It is a fact that many children encounter academic challenges during their schooling years. However, with the right assistance, most of these obstacles can be conquered, and academic success can be achieved.Read More…